Output characterisation | |
OUTPUT SENTENCE | BASINS4 is a detailed, distributed dynamic simulation model in terms of a dynamic water budget |
OUTPUT TYPE | conceptual model |
WATER TOPIC | Quality of natural systems |
KEYWORDS | software, model, water management |
MARKET NEED TAILORED | Need for a more accurate management tool |
OUTPUT DESCRIPTION | BASINS4 is a combined sofware/hardware model, using GIS information. It is a detailed, distributed dynamic simulation model in terms of a dynamic water budget, resulting from the natural climate driven hydrological cycle, anthropogenic demand, and allocations, resulting in criteria of water availability and quality. It includes total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) as the key mechanism for guiding water quality management decisions. |
STATE OF DEVELOPMENT | Close to completion. The software has been installed, tested, and proven to work satisfactorily. The project ends on 01/08/2013. |
INNOVATIVE ASPECTS AND ADVANTAGES | - it introduces total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) as the key mechanism for guiding water quality management decisions. - it is linked to GIS capabilities, and an updated basins model |
TRANSFERABILITY | This software can, in theory, be applied to other areas and basins. |
POTENTIAL USERS/CLIENTS | Any local authorities willing to implement a management plan for water, any consulting firm in need of that tool, working for the local authorities. |
Estimation of risks | |
INNOVATIVE DISADVANTAGE | This software needs a relatively well equipped computer. This disadvantage should disappear in time, as computers become more and more powerful. |
EVALUATION OF RISKS FOR OUTPUT USERS | There is no technical risk, as the sofware has been tested, and will be corrected. The economical risk is low, as it implies buying new hardware. No extra costs are foreseen aside from that. The social risks could be low : some aspects of water management can incur the ire of locals. |
MARKET RISKS | Low risk |
SOCIAL RISKS | Low risk |
Steps ahead | |
NEXT STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE STATUS 'READY TO USE' | Corrective measures on the software after testing on real life situations. |
TASKS TO BE PERFORMED | After Life Communication Plan, including updates on the website, and delivery of information to several recipients. |
Estimation of ressources | |
RESOURCES FOR NEXT STEPS | What is needed is a collection of written material prepared during the project and preparation of a Project Communication Folder.
Contact | |
TECHNICAL CONTACT | Athina Papanastasiou |
WATER RTOM CONTACT | Natacha Jacquin |
Background | |
PROJECT NAME | Strengthening the scientific foundation of water quality programs (WATER) |
PROJECT DESCRIPTION | WATER is the result of a joint effort of the Cyprus Department of Environment, ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus and Frederick University and aims to promote water quality protection through the strengthening of the scientific foundation of water quality management programmes. Through the project, the Department aspires to produce state of the art tools for the management of water quality at catchment scale. The major technical objective of the project is to establish and implement detailed, distributed dynamic simulation models in terms of a dynamic water budget, resulting from the natural climate driven hydrological cycle, anthropogenic demand, and allocations, resulting in criteria of water availability and quality. BASINS4 and associated models (HSPF, Aquatox, etc) will be used fro this purpose in conjunction with ARCVIEW/ ARCGIS. A key aspect of the project is the introduction of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) as the key mechanism for guiding water quality management decisions. Equally important is the aim of the project to inform and involve the stakeholders and key players that influence or are affected by water management decisions. We therefore place great emphasis on dissemination as well as on the demonstration of the project tools and methods through a pilot implementation action, which we hope will promote the widest possible future application of the proposed tools. The Demonstration Action will involve the full implementation of the developed tools at the Kalo Horio catchment basin, which includes the very ecologically important Larnaca Salt lakes. The use of the Larnaca Salt Lakes serves two functions. Firstly, the project will produce a robust realistic management scenario for the area thus helping to preserve the functions of this very important but highly threatened ecosystem. Secondly, the importance of the area and its status as a Natura 2000, IBA and Ramsar site will invite widespread interest in the project results and thus will contribute to making the demonstration and dissemination activities more effective. |
LEADER | Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment - Department of Environment |
TEAMS INVOLVED | Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment - Department of Environment, Atlantis Consulting, Frederick University |