WaterRtoM overview


  • Less than 40% of water bodies will meet the Good Ecological Status in 2012
  • Needs to create new knowledge and innovative solutions.
  • Needs to transfer research/pilot outputs quicker than ever before (<10 years).


Problem targeted

To speed up the transfer of water related research outputs to better implement the Water directives (targeted time lag down to 3 - 5 years).

Water RtoM principle

The aim of the project is to add a step between research and the existing technology transfer schemes to SME by pro-actively digging, assessing and promoting the research outputs, while targeting not only the companies but also their clients.


The following activities describe the project methodology:

  • A permanent watching of the sector (research products, tools for practitioners, etc…)
  • A standardised method for an in depth assessment of potential benefits of emerging tools. This constitutes a method for assessing research outputs in terms of "distance to market" and in terms of how to make them operational for practitioners (cost, risk) : ReMAS.
  • A road map, for some selected results, for the implementation of the innovative results: Business Case.
  • A strategy for the identification of interest practitioners and, in  parallel, the promotion of innovative precursors (the above selected research outputs) : Precursor Marketing Strategy



International Office for Water (OIEAU), coord. - FR

Amphos 21 – ES

GdanskWater Foundation – POL

Fundatia Centrul de Formare si perfectionare Profesionala in Domeniul Apei - RO

Countries : France, Spain, Poland, Romania


Total project budget                                                    799 594 €

EC financial contribution requested:                              399 797 €


Project overview

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