

Coordinator (France)

Develop skills for improving water and river management at all levels, from local to European and international, and for the public and the private sectors. OIEau’s main activities regard :

  • Water related data monitoring, knowledge management, policy assessment, research coordination, …
  • Training of professionals in all water related fields (water supply and sanitation, utilities management, integrated resources management, …)
  • Institutional expertise in the field of integrated water resources management

OIEau is an independent and non-profit-making organisation, supported by 149 partner organisations (Environmental Protection Agency, administrations, basin organisations, municipalities, universities, professional associations, private water companies, NGOs), including 32 foreign organisations.

Contact : Natacha Jacquin,
senior project manager
Tél : +33 5 55 11 47 80





Amphos 21 (formerly Enviros Spain S.L.) is a strategic and environmental consultancy created in 1994, with a long experience in waste management, water management, strategic environmental communication and environmental and energy management. Amphos21 has around 60 highly qualified professionals in hydrogeology, physics, biology, environmental sciences, chemistry and economics.

Contact : Beatriz Medina
Tel.: +34 93 583 05 00
Fax: +34 93 307 59 28



Training center for water professionals is a training center with the staff of 15 people, registered in accordance with Polish law. Foundation has been active both in Poland and abroad. It was brought into existence in 1995 within the European Commission Program LIFE. Main scope of the activities with reference to the following aims:•promoting knowledge serving water economics •providing additional professional training in the fields connected with water and sewage economics •facilitating the exchange of information and contacts between water-users and local and central administration •facilitating the exchange of information between research centres as well as promoting the results of their work •cooperating with other foreign countries in order to disseminate new technologies, to unify standards as well as to exchange experience and information in the field of water economics

Contact : Zbignew Sobocinski




Fundatia Centrul de Formare si Perfectionare Profesionala in Domeniul Apei (Romania)

Fundatia CFPPDA as the specialized body of the Romanian Water Association (ARA), has the mission to provide training and expertise, in a co

ntinuous learning process, in order to ensure a high level of professional knowledge and practical abilities of the personnel working in the water public services secto.
Contact : Silviu Lacatusu


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