Action 1.2 Liaison Committee
The anticipated role of the LC is to link the project to the needs of the different stakeholders, and to be sure that we (the partnership) don’t develop a set of tools not closely tailored to the real-life context : its members will assess the draft versions of the tools (ReMAS and PMS), both themselves and by asking to their colleagues to do so.
They represent a large panel of stakeholders (public water management bodies, private companies, both large utilities and SMEs, researchers), and their different sensibilities, although adding complexity, will help to design a robust toolbox, enlarging then the client base : our objective is to create an intermediary in-between those communities to help them to work together.
The LC already gathers most of the main targeted bodies, but will remain open to new members, provided they represent key players like the private utilities operators, other regional clusters of SME, networks of researchers (or even an Integrated Project or Network of Excellence), etc ; one task of the team will be to identify and embark appropriate new members.
Expected results:
Useful abdvice to the projects; good connexion with stakeholders and recognition of the value of Water RtoM
Deliverables: Minutes of the 5 meetings with the LC members