Action 6 - Dissemination
Dissemination activities are mostly embedded in the action 3 and the Marketing Strategy, but this action 6 is related to general dissemination about the project itself and the LIFE support.
The communication about the project will contain:
- e-newsletter (every 6 month)
- Notice board, describing the project will be displayed at strategic places accessible to the public, in particular during the live brokerage events, but also in the partners premises – there will be available in both English and the local language of the partners, i.e. French, Spanish, Polish and Romanian
- 5-page layman’s report will be produced in paper and electronic format at the end of the project, in English, in French and other partners’ languages
- papers to Water-related journals, either technical ones to present the project outcomes to professionals, and scientific to reach researchers
Other activities related to dissemination (conferences, seminars, specific events in specialised exhibitions, etc.) are included in Action 3.
The concept will be promoted to research performers, research funders, and those who propose new ideas all over Europe, also at Member-States level, and possibly regional level, to collect information about potential precursors.